I missed out on doing an August favourites post because of my computer issues, so I'm catching up! First up, the nail polishes that have been part of my favourite manicures this month.
Click the links to the posts to see the manicure's I've done with these polishes!
As part of
Operation Fit and Fabulous I've been trialling these supplements which contain Biotin for hair and nails. My nails peel like crazy, so I'm trying to keep them pretty short and square to try and combat them, and trying a supplement can't hurt. I've heard reviews saying Biotin gives people spots, and I have got one at the moment. I NEVER ever get spots on my face - I could probably count on my fingers the amount I've had in my entire life, so I hope this is just a coincidence and I'll stick with them. I have 2 months supply so you'll get a proper review once the two months is up!
Vivo cosmetics eye monos in Dusky Pink, Pale Gold and Mink, and Primer 25ml.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE these products. The eye shadows are soft and well pigmented and I've worn at least one of them most days since I got them. great for an everyday eye as they're shimmery but not full on glitterball, which I like. And the primer is the first face primer I've used (after swatching lots and putting them back because they're too expensive, I still want Benefits Porefessional though...) It just evens out my skintone, so I can slap it on with some concealer and be out the door for the school run, or use it under foundation to make it glide on and last longer. I really love how it feels on my skin, silky and soft. My only negative is that there's only 25ml in the bottle, and it's quite a big bottle so after a few uses it feels a bit empty and is hard to get out. But that could be solved by depotting it if I can get some wee jars or something.
ELF Srudio Stipple Brush and Avon Angled Blush Brush
I'd only ever used a flat foundation brush before, but found myself always needing to blend with my fingers afterwards. As I said I've got good skin so when I wear foundation I only need a light touch and the ELF Stipple Brush is great for that. I've read some bad reviews on it, but figured if it was no good it's only £3.50 and I could use it for powder, but for me it's perfect for foundation and it washes well without shedding or bleading. And the Avon brush is a good multi-purpose blush brush, and I use it for blush, contouring and highlighting. And it's super soft!
Sleek Santorino Blush and Sunset palette
I had been looking for a super-bright pink blush for a while when the lovely
Liloo held a wee giveaway for this blush - and I was lucky enough to win! It's mega bright and very pigmented, so the lightest touch is needed, but now the summer is over and my tan is fading it's a perfect colour for wind-chilled cheeks! I picked up the sunset palette from a blogsale and love it. Its the first Sleek palette I own, and it's a very considered purchase - I couldn't decide which palette I would get the most use from as I already have a lot of neutrals and better suit warm tones. The golden shimmer in this palette makes the colours really warm and I've even managed to use the blue, which is quite frankly amazing because despite having very blue eyes blue eyeshadow usually makes me look like a drag queen. I shit you not.

And finally my nail wheels! I got these from ebay for a few pounds and have had great fun playing with them (despite getting a headache from the stench of polish everytime I do...) There is a little poll in the sidebar asking which you'd like to see first - if you wouldn't mind voting I'd be ever so grateful!
Things I've not been loving this month:
- Frogs. My cat has become an expert frog hunter and every morning for the last few weeks I've had to rescue at least one frog from the confines of my conservatory...
- My nails. They split, they break, they're stained. Ah the life of a nail blogger...
- Dieting. 3 months or so in and I'm starting to hate it. I've lost 26 pounds, which is great, but I just want biscuits for breakfast, bread for lunch and chips for tea. Porridge, soup and salad is wearing a bit thin.
- Spiders. Seriously, what is it with all the Arnold Schwarzespiders at the moment? I saw one run across the floor from the corner of my eye and thought it was the cat!
What have you been loving (and hating) this month? If you've done a favourites post, send me your links!