
Wednesday, 1 January 2014

The closest I'll ever get to a pair of Louboutins...


Happy New Year! I hope you're not suffering the dreaded wine flu too much... I was totally rock and roll and saw the new year in with a cup of tea. 2013 was an utter bastard to me, so I'm glad it's over. Anyway, here are the nails I saw the new year in with! I've wanted to do this ever since I saw it on Adele at the Grammys my nails are long enough now, yay! I went for classic black and red and used two coats of Barry M Blood Orange with a nail art brush on the underside of my nails (on top of base coat - no staining here please!) and Sinful Colors Black On Black on the top. I topped the whole lot, top and bottom, with Poshe to make it shine and rocked my Louboutins...

Sadly, this is the closest I'll ever get to a pair of Louboutins, unless 2014 is the year I win the lottery. That means that 2014 would also have to be the year I start buying lottery tickets...



  1. Lol, got to be in it to win it babe! Love this mani, great design to see out the old and welcome the new!

  2. I saw these on instagram, I really like them. Your nail shape is perfect too :D

  3. Sexy! Love the shape of your nails :)


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