
Thursday, 29 August 2013

August Tri Polish Challenge day 4 - random mix

Well look at me completing a full challenge like a boss! OK, so it was only four days worth, but I did it and I did it on time! Go me! Now we'll see if I can do the same if I work on the new 33 day challenge that the Crumpet's Nail Tarts have devised...

Today's manicure is a little bit random. I had intended to do this a bit differently, but it didn't work out. I started with a finger in each of the challenge colours, and my ring and index fingers in white ready for a gradient. I was going to tape off a stripe down the centre of each nail so only that would end up with the gradient on, but my white polish wasn't drying quick enough (patience? moi?) so I gradiented the whole nail and added glitter, then stamped on the other fingers. Weird, but good I hope you'll agree!

So, that's August done and dusted! As I said, Crumpet's Nail Tarts are attempting a new challenge soon, 3 days a week for the next 10 weeks or so. Come over and join us!



Thanks for your comments! I appreciate them all :) I'll do my best to answer any questions, but if you just can't wait feel free to contact me via email or Twitter!