
Monday, 13 August 2012

Monkey See Monkey Do Monday - Love Love


Finding nail art for nubs is tricky. I like gradients and funky French manis, which aren't great for super shorties, and glitter (which I am trying to avoid for a while because I'm sure the removal doesn't help my peelies). But I pinned this mani a while ago and thought it was so simple even I couldn't get it wrong, and it would look ok on my baby nails.

I was right! I used 2 coats of OPI Steady As She Rose as a base, and a black striper polish for the lettering. It was so easy I even managed to do it on my right hand!

I really do love this mani! I repinned it from nailene's Pinterest board, and it doesn't have a source blog or feed, so if it's yours or you know who the original pin belongs to, please let me know!

Any more MSMDers today?



  1. Hi I have tagged you for the liebster award :3 you can find the details here, I hope you haven't yet done one and you'd like to :)

    This is such a cute mani too :3

    1. Thank you hun, I'm not sure if I've done it already but I'll have a look! It means a lot so thank you :)

  2. This is so pretty! I don't think I could write that well with my left hand!

  3. So pretty! I would be really tempted to wright love on one and hate on the other, but that's just the rebel in me ;) That base color is gorgeous, did it take many coats?

    1. I was tempted, but I didn't think I could pull off a more "hate"-ful font! The base only took two coats too so that was a bonus!x

  4. Lovely hun :)

    I love the new layout too x

  5. Love it so simple but I bet it wasn't easy to do!

  6. loooove the idea!
    please visit my blog if you have time :)

  7. Love this Helen. Looks so cute on you!

  8. It's really cute. I definitely couldn't have gotten my 'wrong' hand to match up though. Have you tried a tribal mani - they work well on any length nails (except maybe your little toenail).

  9. That is a great look for your super cute nubbins

  10. Well done on doing your other hand! Both look good. I saw this on pintrest and liked it but dont imagine I am very good with my left hand at writing!

    1. Give it a go, I was surprised how well it came out!

  11. Oh Helly it's a great mani for nubs! my nubs are jealous - d'you mind if borrow the idea? (I'll do a link back)

    1. Of course you can! Let me know if you try it, I'd love to see x

  12. Replies
    1. Delicate is not normally a word I associate with myself tee hee x

  13. one of the most original manicures you've ever done. girl, you are talented! liloo/@tsunimee xx


Thanks for your comments! I appreciate them all :) I'll do my best to answer any questions, but if you just can't wait feel free to contact me via email or Twitter!