
Tuesday, 31 July 2012

NOTD - Nautical LOVE

I heart nautical style. Knots and anchors and stripes and navy - yes please! I've created a few nautical nail looks before, but not for a while, so I thought it was about time I did it again! I also took pictures of each step, tutorial stylee. I hope you like it!

1. Start with a base coat of your favourite primary red. I used 17 Knockout Red and applied two coats.

2. Once it's completely dry, tape off a third of your nail and paint the other 2/3 with navy blue, I used China Glaze Starboard. It doesn't matter if this is messy, you'll tidy it up later.

 3. Use a white striper, or striping brush dipped in white polish to create stripes on the blue part of the nail. You can tidy up the edge between the red and blue here too, although I added striping tape in the next step.

  4. Add a strip of gold striping tape between the red and blue sections before adding topcoat.

Easy peasy nautical nails!

What do you think of my tutorial? Would you like to see more? I've never really thought of doing any before because I don't think my nail art is very tutorial worthy!



  1. Helen that mani is awesome! X

  2. there's nothing wrong with your nail art, silly! I love it, so yes, it's tutorial worthy. :D


Thanks for your comments! I appreciate them all :) I'll do my best to answer any questions, but if you just can't wait feel free to contact me via email or Twitter!