
Tuesday, 23 August 2011

NOTD - Multi-tasking pigments


If you're anything like me you have a ton of eyeshadows you'll never use up, especially loose pigments and powders. I came across this post by Beauty's Bad Habit and I knew I had to try it. I love it when I find an alternative use for a product. I have an entire crapload of loose shadows that are super old (I'm talking 10 years plus, Edit - actually closer to 15 fuuuuuu... from my first ever job as a Saturday girl in a pharmacy, the only make-up they carried was Miners and every Saurday I used to buy something with some of my wages, I can't bring myself to get rid of these!) so expect to see these on my nails a lot. For this mani I actually used a Models Own loose eyeshadow in Gold, over Essie Wicked (an ebay bargain).

It's a really simple and really effective mani, Beauty's Bad Habit has a picture tutorial, but here's a quick Helly-explanation for you. 1. Base coat. 2. 1st coat of your chosen polish. 2. Add the second (or third if it needs it) coat of your colour. As you do each nail (so it doesn't have a chance to dry) place a bit of your loose pigment at the base of your nail, I used an orange stick for this. 3. Tilt your nail downwards over something that wont get ruined (I used a plastic bag) and blow the powder across your nail. Repeat 2 and 3 on all nails. Once colour is dry blow again to remove any excess, then add top coat. Once all that is dry wash any left overs off your hands, or like me leave it to the morning and wake up with a sparkly face :) Done!

My favourite nail.

 And bonus pic, Ollie saw me taking pictured of my hands and wanted one of his taken too. Excuse the dirty nails, he's a boy, he attracts dirt like I attract the loonies on the bus (seriously, why do they always think it's ok to talk to me?), what can I say.

Will you be trying this? Even though I have at least 6 loose pigments I'm going to order a black one from Models Own (50% off on their website with the code FIFTYFIFTY. Good luck getting it to work though) so I can do red with black. Don't think I'll ever get bored of this :)



  1. !!!! I'm all over this!
    Red with black ooohhh...
    If you ever want to make frankenpolish, those shadows and pigments can be used for that as well. :)

  2. Love this it's so cool and yes I do have loose shadows I won't use and yours came out so cool looking! and I chuckled about the loonies on the bus so funny!

  3. o0o, i really need to play around with my pigments more!

  4. this is such a fun idea! and i know what you mean about the bus thing! happens to me all the time!!! lol.

  5. Love love LOVE this idea!! So stealing this!

  6. What a cool idea! I'm gonna try this!

  7. Ok so I copied you....! Obviously I credited you :) Would love it if you let me know what you think!


  8. Thank you everyone! I have a fewmore ideas to try so look out for more! Alice, your version is absolutely gorgeous!x


Thanks for your comments! I appreciate them all :) I'll do my best to answer any questions, but if you just can't wait feel free to contact me via email or Twitter!