
Thursday, 18 August 2011

Giveaway winner!

I'm very excited to announce the winner of my wee giveaway! Chosen by Random,org the winner is...


Look out for an email heading your way :)

Thank you again everyone who entered, I really appreciate everyone who takes the time to read my ramblings. I wont be holding a giveaway at every milestone follower number, I would love to but funds simply wont allow, but I will be picking up bits and bobs every now and then so there are possible things on the horizon!

Hope you're having a nice day, and remember just by following my amazing blog and being graced by my presence you're a winner! Tee hee :)



Thanks for your comments! I appreciate them all :) I'll do my best to answer any questions, but if you just can't wait feel free to contact me via email or Twitter!